October 13, 2014: The Day That Will Be Remembered for Starting the Catholic Schism?

October 13, 2014 (www.TwoHeartsPress.com) By Dr. Kelly Bowring, author of best-sellers “The Secrets, Chastisement, and Triumph” and “The Signs of the Times”.

“This is the first time in Church history that such a heterodox text was actually published as a document of an official meeting of Catholic bishops under the guidance of a pope.”              Bishop Athanasius Schneider


Will today be remembered as the first day that led to the Church’s prophesied schism? Quite likely yes. By many accounts people are waking up to see that the Family Synod of October 2014 is an officially Vatican-orchestrated work of manipulation. The mid-way report was released October 13th, a day of great spiritual significance.

This report has been called an “earthquake” by one Catholic reporter, and “one of the worst official documents drafted in Church history” by John Smeaton, co-founder of Voice of the Family. He went on to say: “We urge Catholics not to be complacent or give in to a false sense of obedience, in the face of attacks on the fundamental principles of the natural law (and Church doctrine). Catholics are morally obliged to oppose the course being taken within the Synod.” Anyway you look at it, the document summarizing the first week of the synod is not acceptable to many bishops, says Archbishop Stanislaw Gądecki. Cardinal Burke calls the report “objectionable”, and thus that it “cannot be accepted”, because it is “lacking a solid foundation in the Sacred Scriptures and the Magisterium”, and he even states that the the approach being taken at the synod is “not of the Church”. Cardinal Wilfrid Fox stated: “We’re now working from a position that’s virtually irredeemable.” And Cardinal Ludwig Müller called the midterm report: “undignified, shameful”, and “completely wrong.”

While the synod report released October 13 is a preliminary report for discussion, rather than a definitive proposal, it is clear that it indicates where the endgame is headed. And whether people want to acknowledge it yet or not, the fact is that the train has left the station, and there is no stopping it or turning it around. The synod’s mid-term report is an evil, unloving document of double-talk and doctrinal compromise (in the name of worldly accommodation and misguided compassion which sanctions sin), and to try to pull out and promote its positive phrases would only be an endorsement of the bad as well. As a whole it is heretical, and it is coming from the “official” Church leadership that is controlling the synod. All good Catholics must criticize this document and its contents, and the future documents that come as a result of it – but only in unison with the true Magisterium.

Today, October 13, will likely be remembered as a significant day for what has just happened in Rome, possibly for being the first day of the now openly-developing and prophesied Church Schism. In a related way, this day, October 13th, is also a very significant day in recent Church history as well.




1. October 13, 1884: The Day the St. Michael Prayer Was Written

Reportedly, on October 13, 1884, and on what would thirty-three years later be the date of the Miracle of Fatima, Pope Leo XIII had his famous vision of the future of the Church. During Pope Leo’s ecstasy, he heard two voices, and the conversation reportedly went like this:

Satan: “Given enough time and enough power, I can destroy your Church.”

Jesus: “How much time and how much power?”

Satan: “100 years and a greater power over those who will give themselves to my service.”

Jesus: “You have the time and you will have the power.”


This 100-year period has become known as The 100 Years Reign of Satan. Leo XIII was so shaken by the vision of the coming depravity of moral and spiritual values both inside and outside the Church that he immediately composed a prayer, the Prayer of St. Michael the Archangel, to combat it. St. John Paul II spoke of the continued importance of this prayer in our times, saying: The Book of Revelation refers to [the] battle, recalling before our eyes the image of St. Michael the Archangel (Revelation 12:7). Pope Leo XIII certainly had a very vivid recollection of this scene when, at the end of the [nineteenth] century, he introduced a special prayer to St. Michael throughout the Church. Although this prayer is no longer recited at the end of Mass, I ask everyone not to forget [the St. Michael Prayer] and to recite it to obtain help in the battle against forces of darkness and against the spirit of this world.”


2. October 13, 1917: The Day the Sun Plunged to Earth

Thirty-three years later to the day after Leo’s vision, during the final Fatima apparition of Our Lady, visionary Lucia shouted, “Look at the sun!” – the clouds parted, revealing the sun, which began to “dance.” The sun spun rapidly like a gigantic circle of fire with everything on earth taking on brilliant hues and changing colors. Then the sun began to tremble, shake, and then plunge in a zigzag toward the terrified crowd. Many ran in fear and thought the world was coming to an end. Finally, the sun zigzagged back to its original place and once again became still and brilliant. The people noticed that their clothes, soaking wet from the rain, had suddenly dried along with the ground. The “miracle of the sun” was also seen by numerous witnesses up to twenty-five miles away from the place of the apparition and was witnessed by 70,000 people all at once.

The third secret of Fatima was revealed publicly by St. John Paul II in 2000. It entails a Pope traveling through a war-torn city, with the remnant faithful following him, stepping over corpses, until the Pope makes his way out of the city up a hill to a large cross, where he and some of the faithful are martyred.

Did the 100-years reign of Satan begin around 1917? Does this prophecy of the 3rd secret of Fatima have to do with the now-developing schism in the Church? Is the war-torn city that of the Church itself? Is the Pope mentioned in the secret Pope Emeritus Benedict?

Will Pope Emeritus Benedict speak out against the developing apostasy as its leaders cross the line against doctrine? Will he be then “punished” for doing so, like Cardinal Burke has been?


 3. October 13, 1973: The Day Our Lady Gave the Most Dire Prophecy of the Schism

In the third and final message of Akita on October 13, 1973, Our Lady warned:

“As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by my Son. Each day, recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and the priests.

The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, and bishops against other bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their Confreres. The Church and altars will be vandalized. The Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.

The demon will rage especially against souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will no longer be pardon for them.”


4. October 13, 2014: The First Day of the Developing Catholic Schism?

Are these prophecies literally now being fulfilled today? If so, how can the apostasy and schism develop?

If you tamper with “Pastoral Discipline” on matters relating to “Doctrine” then you tamper with “Doctrine” itself. Tamper with “Doctrine” and you enter “Heresy”, which leads to public “Apostasy”. Confirm and promote the “Apostasy” on an official level in the Church and you will lead the “official” Church into “Schism”. According to prophecy, when the “official” Church is led into “Schism”, the remnant faithful will not follow, and they alone will remain united to the true Church. Then we will have two churches – a false official church in apostasy/schism and a true remnant church that remains true to Christ’s Doctrine and Magisterium.

What makes this developing situation different than the 1960s schism of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and the Society of St. Pius X? In this situation, the “official” Church may be moving toward apostasy and thus will break from the TRUE Church into schism, even if they are led by the “reigning” Pope (who would have publicly invalidated his pontificate due to changing or abandoning a Church doctrine). Then, the remnant will not break at all, but will simply remain with the authentic Magisterium, united to the true Church, safeguarding all her doctrines (even if without a true pope for a time).

Is this going to happen? Solid biblical and modern Catholic prophecy indicates it will occur in these times. What is coming and seems to have already now begun will not go away. At this point, things will not return to normal. As of today, October 13, the great and final battle within the Church is now in the open. Prayer and sacrifice can mitigate some of what is being planned and what has been prophesied.


FOUR intertwined and related events all on October 13:

1) 1884 – The St. Michael Prayer and its connection to the Book of Revelation and the final battle against Satan…

2) 1917 – The miracle of the sun plunging to the earth as preclude to the end of the world (as we know it) and its connection to the third secret of Fatima’s vision of the war within the Church, with the remnant faithful who remain true to the Church’s doctrines even through persecution…

3) 1973 – The Church-approved prophecy of Our lady that the devil will infiltrate into the Church in such a way that one will see good cardinals opposing bad cardinals because the Church will be full of those who accept doctrinal compromise… and now

4) 2014 – The family synod’s mid-term report and its apparent open and developing movement toward apostasy and schism, as prophecy indicated in advance.


What to Do Now?

  1. Pray the St. Michael prayer, as Popes Leo and John Paul requested, and pray the daily family Rosary, as Our Lady of Fatima requested. Enter the Immaculate Heart of Mary through Marian consecration. Seek strength in the Eucharist. And engage in “penance, penance, penance”.
  2. Pray for Pope Francis, Benedict XVI, the bishops and the priests, and for the Church and the synod.
  3. Remain obedient to Pope Francis (for now), but become responsibly vigilant and openly critical of any other bad developments from the Vatican.
  4. Wait for and follow the lead of the faithful magisterial leaders – like Burke, Mueller, and Benedict XVI – who will never allow us to enter heresy or apostasy, though they may indicate for us that the “official” Church has, when and if it in all actuality does cross the line of changing or abandoning doctrine as is already developing. In the meantime, pay close attention to their critiques of Vatican-related writings and happenings.
  5. Anticipate the schism and do not lose your peace as we head toward it… biblical prophecy and solid private revelation has warned us about it, and God knows what He is doing and allowing. Trust always in Jesus. Never follow those who compromise the doctrine of the Faith or condone sin, even in the name of (false) compassion and mercy.

October 13, 2014 may very well be remembered as the day that started… the Church’s final battle (Pope Leo’s vision), the internal war in the Church (Fatima’s third secret), the revolution at the highest level of the Church (Akita’s prophecy), and the open schism of two churches (family synod’s midterm report). Time will show more.

Remember, no matter how things go, Our Lady promised that in the end her Immaculate Heart will triumph and the coming renewed world will finally usher in the new era of peace and the new Eucharistic Reign.

Post Script: It is my hope that those who, even among the Catholic faithful, have up-to-now ignored or dismissed the solid Catholic prophecies of our times — will now take note. God has a message He wants the world to hear. Please spread His heavenly message, alert the faithful. Now is the time.

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